Could your jerking, twitching movements at night be the result of this PLMS?
While a lot of people have heard of issues such as sleep apnea, insomnia, or narcolepsy, this sleep disturbance is one that isn’t as often discussed. Periodic limb movements of sleep (PLMS) is characterized by the twitching, jerking, and constant movement of the limbs, most often the hips, legs, feet, and toes every few seconds while sleeping.
While this condition isn’t considered serious or dangerous to your health, it’s not uncommon for those suffering from PLMS to deal with daytime exhaustion and insomnia, which are most certainly problems that our Columbia, SC, sleep specialist Dr. Richard Bogan can help with.
Furthermore, PLMS is also commonly found in those with restless leg syndrome (RLS), narcolepsy, and sleep apnea. The main concern is that those with PLMS aren’t getting the restful sleep they need every night. If you have PLMS, you may toss and turn, and if you have another underlying sleep problem that is causing your PLMS, then you’ll also want to get that sleep issue under control so that you can finally get quality, restorative sleep.
What causes PLMS?
While it’s true that some people with the sleeping disorders above are prone to developing this condition there is still no exact cause. Of course, if you are taking antihistamines or antidepressants you may find that your PLMS symptoms get worse.
How is PLMS diagnosed?
While there is no definitive diagnostic test to be able to determine whether you have this condition or not, if you or your partner has noticed these twitching, jerking movements throughout the night, then it’s a good idea to talk to our Columbia, SC, sleep specialist, Dr. Bogan. We will perform tests to determine if there are certain health problems that could be causing your symptoms.
How is PLMS treated?
A lot of PLMS sufferers can find relief through performing certain exercises, by stretching throughout the day or by exercising regularly. Certain meditative practices such as yoga have also been beneficial for some patients.
There are also medications out there that can reduce the severity and frequency of your PLMS symptoms. One of the medications is typically used in those with Parkinson’s disease, but in low doses it can be a great option for those dealing with unpleasant symptoms of PLMS.
If you are having trouble sleeping then it’s time that you found out what’s going on. Here at Bogan Sleep Consultants in Columbia, SC, we believe that everyone deserves quality sleep every night. Call your sleep specialist today to find out how we can help you hit the hay!